Transmission Settlements Notices

Stay informed of changes to transmission rates and review billing cycle communications. Rate updates are posted monthly, reflecting any changes from the prior month. Billing cycle notices will be posted when statements are available for download on the portal. Learn which months are being resettled and know what to expect in the current and upcoming billing cycles.  

June 2024 Rate Changes

Rate changes were processed for the following items:


Schedule 1:


·       Updated Schedule 1 expense amounts for Historical Transmission Owners. Updated divisors from the Attachment Os.


·       The MISO average rate increased .326%


Schedules 7, 8 & 9:


·       Annual Rate Update of Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) for Historical Transmission Owners, Updated divisors from the Attachment Os.


·       Although it did not affect their ATRR calculation, MEAN went from a 30.9 Customer to a full Historical TO.


·       The MISO Schedule 7, 8 and 9 rate increased by 10.472%


Schedules 26, 37 & 38:


·       Annual Rate Update of Attachment GG Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) for Historical Transmission Owners, Updated divisors from the Attachment Os.


·       The MISO average rate increased by 1.647%


Schedules 26-A & 39:


·       Annual Rate Update of Attachment MM Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) for Historical Transmission Owners, Updated divisors from the Attachment Os.


·       The overall Revenue Requirement decreased by 2.548%


Schedules 26-C:


·       Updated Revenue requirement (ATRR) for IPL’s (TMEPS) Project 16228.


·       The overall Revenue Requirement increased by 60.329% driven by an increase in IPL’s project net plant.


Schedule 33:


·       Updated the Blackstart Service Revenue Requirement for participating Blackstart units. Updated the divisors for the Historical Transmission Owners as part of the June Rate Update.


·       The MISO system average rate increased by 1.4%

Schedule 41:


·       Annual update of Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) for Historical Transmission Owners.  Updated the divisors for the Historical Transmission Owners as part of the June Rate Update. ETTO reached the end of their recovery period for Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.


·       The overall Revenue Requirement decreased by 95.282% because ETTO reached the end of their recovery period for Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.


Schedule 42B:


·       Annual update of Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (ATRR) for historical Transmission Owners. Updated the divisors for the Historical Transmission Owners as part of the June Rate Update.


·       The overall Revenue Requirement decreased by 2.478%

Schedule 45:


·       Updated the divisors for the Historical Transmission Owners as part of the June Rate Update.


·       The MISO system average rate increased by 1.399%


These changes are effective June 1, 2024.

May 2024 Billing Cycle

Preliminary transmission (Day 1) monthly settlement files for May 2024 will be posted to the market portal by 8am June 4, 2024. The files end with _D2.txt or _D2.xlsx

Final transmission (Day 1) monthly settlement files for May 2024 will be posted to the market portal by 8am June 7, 2024. The files end with _TS0.txt or _TS0.xlsx
















May 2024 Prior Period Adjustments 

  • No prior period adjustments.


Updated 5/30/2024

June 2024 Prior Period Adjustments

·         None at this time.


July 2024 Prior Period Adjustments

·         None at this time.


Disclaimer:  Adjustments and timing are subject to change.

Updated 5/30/2024